World Clean Up Day is a global movement that last year saw over 21 million participants across 180 countries. This year, World Clean Up Day is happening on Saturday September 19th and I’m putting a call out for residents who would like to be involved.
The Litter Prevention team will be lending out litter loan kits across Brisbane, with a spread of residents across the suburbs representing our city this World Clean Up Day. If you, your family, school or community group would like to represent Bracken Ridge Ward, we have four Litter Loan Kits available to use.
The Litter Prevention team will arrange for the Litter Loan Kits to be delivered directly to the doorstep of our volunteers. The Loan Kit will include litter pickers, handheld bin and a safety kit to ensure safe and fun participation on the day.
If you would like to be involved, please call my office on 3667 6000.
More information about World Clean Up Day can be found here: