Brisbane’s best up-and-coming musical acts were crowned overnight at part of the Schrinner Council’s annual QUBE Effect Awards.

Singer and songwriter Dublin Rose won the coveted People’s Choice Award after receiving more than 680 votes, or a quarter of all votes cast, for her song There You Go Again.

More than 270 young and emerging acts entered this year’s awards, with just five winning awards at an intimate ceremony at the Triffid overnight.

Six-piece band Maarjn scored the innovation award for showing the most creativity through innovative composition, while Allegra Neve picked up the Original Song award for Bending Pressure.

The Lord Mayor’s Live Event Award went to artist 01 Thurman who will now have the opportunity to showcase her talents on stage at Valley Fiesta.

The QUBE Effect program creates pathways for young artists to achieve their musical dreams though professional performance and personal development mentorship.

A cohort of 18 talented finalists took part in a 35 week mentorship program with the likes of Powderfinger’s Bernard Fanning, John ‘JC’ Collins and Ian Haug and The Grates’ Patience Hodgson.

Former QUBE Effect participant and artist Hope D hosted Monday night’s awards ceremony along with local singer-songwriter Nat Dunn.

Hope D has been involved in a mentor role since 2021, after participating in the 2019 QUBE Effect cohort where she was awarded the 2019 QPAC Green Jam Award.

Since launching in 2015, the program’s hands on learning and mentorship opportunities have supported 269 young Brisbane musicians in developing the skills and industry networks they need to grow their career’s here and abroad.

The QUBE Effect will return in 2025, with more information to be released later this year.

Pictured: Dublin Rose, People’s Choice Award Winner, Sandgate