Please be advised that Council have unfortunately had to delay the  Super Weekend works until next weekend (12 – 15 July) due to wet weather.

The Schrinner Council will reduce night works on the Beams Road Upgrade by approximately five weeks thanks to an upcoming super weekend of construction.

The Beams Road upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian Government and will bust congestion on one of the most critical corridors on Brisbane’s northside.

Night works will be taking place from Sunday 30 June to prepare the site, followed by round the clock works from 7pm Friday 5 July to 8am Monday 8 July.

The weekend works will include asphalting of roads and pavements across the Beams Road and Dorville Road intersection where the roundabout was removed, creating a better flow of traffic for residents once finished.

The super weekend program follows extensive underground works to upgrade utilities between Lacey Road and Balcara Avenue.

Once finished, the upgrade will reduce congestion along more than two kilometres of the Beams Road corridor by widening the road to four lanes and improving intersections between Lacey and Handford roads.

The project incorporates more accessible indented bus bays, as well as better paths and fully separated bikeways for pedestrians and cyclists.

The final project will also connect with the Queensland Government’s level crossing removal and overpass, creating a safer connection for residents.

Road users will still be able to travel on Beams Road during the weekend works with temporary detours implemented between Cowie Road and Balcara Avenue.

A section of Dorville Road, between Beams Road and Matisse Street will also be temporarily closed to motorists, with local access maintained over the super weekend of works.

Traffic control will be in place to assist road users travelling through the work area.

To find out more about these works or the project, you can contact:

1800 870 437 (8.30am-4.30pm)

3403 8888 (24 hours)
