Since becoming your Councillor for Bracken Ridge Ward, Fitzgibbon residents have requested the footpath on Roghan Road be continued to Hidden World Playground from the Fitzgibbon Community Centre.
In partnership with the Federal Government, Brisbane City Council is delivering a suite of upgrades across the greater Brisbane area. I’m pleased to let you know that in working with the Federal Member for Petrie, we have been successful in securing the required funds to not only formalise Roghan Road, near Hidden World Playground but also to construct a 200m footpath connecting the Fitzgibbon Community Centre to the playground. As part of this upgrade there will also be a dedicated right turn lane into Caribou Crescent and on road cycle lanes.
Additionally, outside of the Hidden World Playground there will be formalised street parking to service one of our most-loved parks.
Construction will begin later this year, weather and site conditions permitting.